
Friday, November 11, 2016

Bimoes and Adaptations of Plants and Animals, Writing and Fish in a Tree!

Yesterday and today we have had the excitement of using Google Classroom.  Google Classroom allows me to create assignments and to share resources with the whole class with one easy click.
Google Classroom makes it easy and paperless to pass our directions for a project!  For example, today we used Google Classroom to connect our knowledge about biomes with plants and animals that live in those biomes.  We focused on biomes in the United States (as we will be heading into US Geography shortly).  We then learned about animals and plants in these biomes and pinpointed the adaptations they have to survive in the forest, desert or grasslands.  We created posters to showcase our findings!  We learned about horses, hibiscus flowers, poison ivy, alligators and more!

Through Google Classroom we also began our final opinion piece.  We have been planning and organizing our materials this week and yesterday we began drafting. We have set goals involving punctuation and capitalization as well elaboration and organization. Yesterday, we logged into Google Classroom and created a document for our essay.  These documents are automatically shared with me and organized into a folder in my drive, this way I can read and check in on each and every student from home or from one spot in the classroom!  They love that!  My eyes are always on them!   We plan to finalize these pieces by November 18th!  We will be sharing them with other 4th Graders here at school!

On Thursday, Miranda, our UVM Sophomore Intern, had us do some thoughtful reflection about the themes in the story Fish in A Tree!  This has been our read aloud for many weeks and we are almost finished with it!  Together with Miranda we connected with Ally, the main character in the book, by thinking of our strengths, weaknesses and positivity!  We created these fish to symbolize these three pieces in our lives with words, colors and pictures!  Ask your child about it!

Lastly, ask your child to log into Kidblog and to share their reflections on their learning and goals this week!  There are pictures in some of their posts, too!

Happy Weekend!  Love and Peace to all!

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