
Friday, March 18, 2016

Week in Review

       This week has been very exciting. In math we began to learn about standard algorithm within multiplication problems. We have been looking at partial products and invented algorithms to help understand how to properly solve these equations using multiple pathways. In science we have been working on conducting an experiment to prove why the sun is the brightest star in our sky. Today students will present their projects and prove their thinking! We also tested the water conductivity from McCabe's Brook yesterday, and the levels went down by almost 100 microsiemens. We believe this was because of the weather. Since there has been less snow, there has been less road salt used. There was also a lot of rain the night before we measured which could impact the measurements.

       We have been looking at our shadow length the past few days, and we realized that the lower the sun is, the longer the shadow will be. Yesterday our shadows were long because the sun was low around 11:30am. The leprechauns came and delivered golden nuggets to students who were demonstrating their best thinking :)! We had some wonderful Saint Patrick's day outfits and a fun and festive day!  We have had some wonderful parent teacher conferences and I have had the opportunity to get to know some parents.

Libby and Vasanthi

Friday, March 11, 2016

Poetry Celebration!

This morning we had a poetry celebration! Our class has been working on poetry over the last two weeks. We have looked at imagery, line-breaks, personification, similes, metaphors, and a variety of other different poetry elements to create the wonderful poems presented today! There was a wide range of poems, from pie, to sports, to seasons. It was a wonderful event!
Hearing every student read their poem was amazing. Everyone read with their hearts, showing how much time and dedication they put into their final poem. I am so proud of every single student. They showed me that they truly know how to write a poem by using what they learned to develop magnificent poems!
Next week Vasanthi will be back in charge. It has been so fun doing solo weeks and I couldn't thank anyone enough for giving me such a terrific experience. Great job today! Thank you all for coming!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Disability Awareness Day Part 2

This morning we took the time to fell reflect about what we heard during our panel discussion with Abby, Kyle, Josh, Heidi and Nicole!  Each one of our panelists was motivating and engaging in the way that trey shared about their strengths and weaknesses, role models, turning points and friendships!  They gave us so much to think about!  We changed today, ask your child about it!
This afternoon we visited 4 stations staffed by parent volunteers (thank you) to simulate differences such as dysgraphia, autism, sensory disorders, fine motor disorders and hearing impairment.  Once again we reflected upon or experiences at these stations.  We gained so much perspective and understanding as to what it may feel like to have a learning difference!  Again, we changed today!  Ask your child why?
Thanks for an amazing day 5th Graders!  I believe in you and see you for who you are, each and every one of you!

Read Across America Day

Kylee and Trey read to Ozzie the therapy dog!

Disability Awareness Day!

Beginning our day with a powerful panel, open minds and discussion!

Friday, March 4, 2016

First week of March

Hello families and students! This week has been hectic with Monday off and then the snow day on Wednesday. During writing this week we continued to look at poetry. The students did a "discovery center" where they looked at different objects for inspiration to create poems. 

Students were given chess pieces, fabric, buttons, money, dice, and blocks, to create a poem based on what they observe. In poetry today we will be looking at metaphors and similes within a poem. Students will pick the theme of their poem today as well! In math this morning we looked at the new calendar pieces. It was difficult to work with different areas involving the power of ten, but the kids gave it their best work and I was very proud. For having such a short week, it went well!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Callie's Cake Pops

We warmed up our brains today by using all of our multiplication strategies to solve problems involving Callie's Cake Pop Business!  We created beautifully organized and labeled posters to showcase our work!  Way to go maybe stars!