
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Upcoming Field Trips!

Endeavor 5th Grade is headed to the Flynn Theater!
Most important thing:  You need to bring a bag lunch to school on both May 2 and May 7!

Friday, May 2nd @ 1015-1230PM
Founded in 1971, Pilobolus has built its fervent and
expanding international following by showing the human
body to be the most expressive, universal, and magical of
media. Pilobolus maintains its own singular style, evolving
interplay with shapeshifting, shadowplay and other
explorations, while actively collaborating with the best and
brightest minds from all conceivable professions the world
over. The results of these collaborations has proven
amazing feats can be achieved, and Pilobolus has been
recognized for its developments in dance and multimedia

Stuart Little
Wednesday, May 7 @ 1030-130PM
A resourceful mouse tries to fit in with his family of humans and their pet cat in this charming musical adaptation of E.B. White’s classic novel. Stuart’s ever-more daring escapades—from racing sailboats to striking out on a cross-country journey in his very own motor car to rescue a dear friend—show you don’t have to be big to have an adventure, or to understand the true meaning of friendship.

For both shows we will be receiving a companion workshop with a Flynn Theater Educator!  This experience increases our connection with the show, the actors and the acting/dancing techniques involved in the show.  

Monday, April 14, 2014

Friday, April 11, 2014

Spring has Sprung and so has your 5th Grader!

Some of your children are now towering over me, most of them are looking me in the eye and some of them I can still tuck under my arm!  Not only are they growing in height, but intellectually I have seen so much growth!  We have been making sense and discovering so much about fractions, informational writing, the causes of the revolutionary war and famous colonists!  With only one week until vacation...I have been putting the pressure on these 5th graders to work hard, finish their assignments and to not rest until their good is better and their better is best!  By next Friday, we will be wrapping up our Colonial America unit, our historical fiction reading, Our 4th math unit, our joint production of Stone Soup with our book buddies (some of us have small parts and all of us will be singing!), and our research essays!  Next week's HW is a bit light. But, our math HW connects to our study of Colonial America and has a writing component!  Wow!  If you are leaving for vacation early, please let me know so that I can make sure your child has completed assignments before they leave!

    Most of this week was spent pouring over informational texts as we pushed hard to complete our flash drafts!  I have been so impressed with the 150% effort that your children have shown in completing this daunting and difficult task!  Mrs. Bushey, out literacy coach, came in on Thursday and read a few pieces! She was impressed by the content your children have gained from all of the nonfiction texts and historical fiction texts they have read.  This knowledge was evident in the chapters of their essay about the events and people that led to the American Revolution~ Revolutionary War!  They have been spending time revising these drafts by using maps to add touches of geography into their research, telling where important events happened, mapping out distances that were traveled, naming oceans, colonies and countries involved in the revolution!  They have also been adding analysis by thinking and speculating about their facts!

A bulk of our week has been focused on Egg Crate Fractions.  By using as egg crate, string and 12 pom poms we have explored equivalent fractions as well as adding fractions with unlike and common denominators.  We have pressed one another with genuine questions, we have listened to understand one another's thinking and we have searched for multiple representations and pathways to justify our thinking! Next week we will be solving and writing our own fraction story problems and ending the week with our Unit 4 Assessment!  After vacation we will continue with fractions in Unit 6!

Our April calendar has been led to some meaningful conversations about volume and surface area and patterns.

Stone Soup  
Matthew, Emilie, Laragh, Lena A., Ezra and Manny have small roles in Joplin's class play of the classic book Stone Soup.  The rest of us have also been helping with the set and all of us will be singing, You Can't Stop the Beets!  I will send pictures and video next Friday!  This has been another fun way to support our Book Buddies in reading, singing and art!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Colonial Share

Endeavor April Share Theme
Famous Colonial Americans

Criteria for what we would like to see on your Colonial Cereal Box. 
  • Large side of cereal box should have your famous Colonial American’s name clearly written on TOP with a traced or drawn or colored-in portrait of your colonist!
  • The other large side of the box should have a PARAGRAPH telling about your colonist’s life and importance to America.
  • One skinny side should have a timeline of the life of your colonists (Dates for: birth death, events that they were part of in colonial America, life changes)
  • The other skinny side should have a FUN FACT written on it!

Share Date
Tuesday, April 8
Lena, Emilie, Jack
Heidi, James, Kaiden
Wednesday, April 9
Parrish, Manny, Abby
Sarah, Sydney
Thursday, April 10
Colin, Katie, Joyce
Petra, Macy, Mackenzie
Friday, April 11
Lena K., River, Ava
 Will, Chelsea
Monday, April 14
Ella, Derek,
John, Greta, Ben
Tuesday, April 15
Laragh, Ezra
Patton, Hunter
Wednesday, April 16
Charlotte, Matthew
Connor, Janson
Thursday, April 17
Lucas, Kate
Delaney, Juliet

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Flynn Workshop #3 with Joan Robinson!

A couple days ago we acted out the Boston Tea Party.  Each person had a special person they were acting as- a farmer, a writer, a merchant and much more. Each person also had a role as a loyalist, patriot or undecided. Joan also helped us understand how to keep things the same size when you hand them to another person and show emotions - how we could show what we were feeling. We acted out the meeting that was held by Samuel Adams where he talked about their plan to meet at night at Griffen Wharf. At the meeting each person got to decide if they were going to go onto the British boat and throw the tea into the harbor. After the meeting was over, each group (farmers, merchants, blacksmiths, writers) went to their houses and debated if we would go to the  Boston Tea Party. After we did that, we got to act out our conversation about going to the Boston Tea Party in front of the class. When every group had gone, we acted out the Boston Tea Party. A bunch of patriots and undecided colonists climbed onto a boat and threw crates of tea into Boston Harbor. The people who were watching on the side were shouting things like "be careful!" Or "watch out!" The loyalists were shouting out things like "you know this is wrong!" or "How dare you!". After the Tea Party, we re-grouped and talked about what the people on the boat did to help make the Boston Tea Party seem real. I think that everyone had a good time and had fun acting out the Boston Tea Party!! 

Last Monday Joan came and we acted out The Midnight Ride Of Paul Revere. She told us that tonight Paul Revere would come and we would have to act out what we would do and say when he came. Then, we each got with our group( farmer,merchants, writers, blacksmiths, printers, tavern owners) and talked about what we would do and say when Paul Revere came. Each group had about 3 minutes to decide what to do. Then, each group acted it out. After that happened, each group got to share in front of the class their conversations about the Revoloutionary War. They got to debate with the other people in their group about if they were going to the Revolutionary war. I think that the acting was very exiting and a lot of people are exited to act out the Revolutionary War next time Joan comes!!