
Monday, February 19, 2018

It has been way too long!

Dear Families,
     I hope this blog post finds you all healthy and happy!  We have been learning so much here in 5th Grade and we continue to work on being a focuses, engaged, respectful and responsible class of learners!  Many of our mornings the past week have been focused around the olympics and the events that we have watched and been proud of!  We also took the time to get to know a few olympic athletes and para-olympic athletes!  We saw that many of these athletes have practiced perseverance, impulse control, precision and accuracy and resilience!  They have all faced challenges and set backs and have maintained a positive attitude as they move forward!  

We shared Valentines last week and enjoyed a few homemade treats from Kaleb and I.  We spent the afternoon playing with our 1st Grade Mix it Up Buddies!    

 We have begun a science unit on Matter (Solids, Liquids and Gases).  We kicked off our unit with a BrainPop video!  We continue to practice our note taking skills and have also been reading about matter, the three states of matter, how matter can change and how we can describe matter based on its traits/characteristics.  As a bonus, Vasanthi's class got to make Slime with Jacob's Mom!  As we made slime we noticed the traits of the ingredients, we measured the weight of each ingredient and then saw that the mass was conserved as we mixed all of the ingredients together, cool!  We also had to work as a team, compromise, listen and take turns as we made our slime!  Thank you Heather and Jacob!
 A few weeks ago we enjoyed an extra recess in the fresh snow!  Our bellies were full from a special Pizza Lunch thanks to Ella and her Mom!
In Math class we are wrapping up our Decimals Unit!  Students have worked hard to meet the goals of this unit, you can see them here!  Ask your child about it!  Thank you to those who have been encouraging your child to stay focused with Reflex!  Many of us are on our way to being 100% fluent with our multiplication.division facts!  This is a great activity to keep up with over vacation, too!

In Reading and Writing Workshop your child has been busy researching a country and working on writing an informational chapter book!  Ask your child about it!