
Friday, February 19, 2016

Libby's Solo Week!

Hi students and families! This week was my first solo week through Champlain College! Vasanthi let me be in charge for the past week and it was amazing! We began a new math unit, focusing on multiplication strategies. We also started a poetry unit. We looked at the structure of poems and each student had the chance to pick their favorite line from a "mentor text". With these lines, we created poems. Each table came up with a different poem involving the words they chose from poems they read. It was a great time! In reading groups Vasanthi and I have been working with individual reading groups to illustrate and understand specific poems. We are hoping to have a final poetry SLAM to celebrate their hard work! This has been such a fun week, I must thank you all for giving me this opportunity! Especially a shout out to the kids, they have been AMAZING! Next week, after break, I will be doing my second solo week. We are going to be working on writing more poetry and truly focusing on making each student the best poet they can be! I hope you all have a wonderful break!

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