
Friday, December 13, 2013

Best kids in TOWN!

Dear Families of students who respond with WONDERMENT ALL DAY LONG,
     The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of learning!  Our geography unit is off to a great start as we have been learning about the globe and the places that cover it!  Your children have studied hard and are confident in naming the oceans, continents, important rivers and mountain ranges and now 25 countries in the world!  Our research shares have been so informative and have left us wondering more about countries like Spain, Australia, Guatemala, Japan, France, Italy, Indonesia, Australia, Suriname.  By listening to understand when each student presents, we are also making connections between countries based on their language, culture, government, food, and climate!  The mapping and the project combined is building a strong foundation for the second part of our unit in January where we will be answering the question: How does where we live, impact how we live?
     During Math we have been focusing on finding efficient strategies for multiplication and division.  This week we have been tackling division problems that divide 3-digits by 2-digits!  We have pressed ourselves to make estimates that can be justified and even written story problems to match the equation.  These story problems help us deepen our understanding of division and the vocabulary of dividend, divisor, and quotient. They give us a context for what we are doing within these equations, imagining cookies, balloons being divided into equal groups!  Next week, we will wrap up this unit and take an end of unit test on Thursday! We will review on Wednesday and students will be able to see their growth with multiplication and division these past two months!  We have a number of students moving towards division in FASTT MATH!  Keep up the great work!
     On Monday we celebrated our Narratives with Mrs. Crowther's class!  We spent weeks with these pieces drafting, revising, editing and finally publishing.  We will spend next week building new entries in our Writer's Notebooks, trying out different techniques to generate ideas, and different styles of writing.  After vacation we will be writing another narratives!  During reading time we have been meeting new characters in our books, developing theories about the characters in THE Tiger Rising and having meaningful and thoughtful discussions with our partners about envisioning, predicting and developing theories about characters!  Next week we will continue to read and think about these important ways of connecting with text!  Please keep up with your nightly/daily reading!
   Ask you child about: Our Carrot Experiment, MAP Quiz, Hour of Code, Twitter, Danielle, YWP, and more!
Happy Weekend!

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