A Mystery Chat is when Vasanthi sets up a google chat with another classroom somewhere in the USA or World. This time it was with another state in the USA. Each class asks the other class yes/no questions until the class as a team can narrow it down to the correct location. We practiced for our google chat because we had certain jobs that we had been assigned that would use the answers we received to narrow our choices down to the correct state! Some of the jobs were photographer, emappers, mappers, back talkers , logical reasoners, runner, greeters, inquirers, and the question keepers. Ask your child about these jobs! Every job uses some materials. The mappers and emappers use maps, puzzle maps , time zone maps and google earth. We also used an iPad for the photographer and google chrome books for the back talkers.
Here are the mappers and question keepers in action!
The inquirers and greeters communicating answers and questions and the mappers and question keepers at work.
Here is everyone in action as we neared the end of our chat! Both classes figured out where the other class was calling from! We met 5th Graders from Missouri! They have the St. Louis Arch and they are home to the Missouri Tigers.
Written over lunch by Photographer Logan and Vasanthi
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