This was an incredible week filled with excitement! We continue to spend time getting to know each other by talking about our common interests, sharing books with one another, solving math problems together and playing games in class and at team time. We are well on our way to creating a community of learners that will be kind, respectful and responsible!
This week we found our selves getting to know our class library and where all the books our housed and what genres, authors and favorites it holds. We also made a wish list of books we would like, so if you have some books you would like to donate to our classroom library just send them in! We have been filling out our reading logs and even reflected about the amount of pages we read this week. We also received our fancy Reader's Notebooks that will stay with us for two years!
During Math class this week we focused on solving multiplication story problems using strategies like a ratio table, a number line, an array model or an area model. These strategies will anchor us as we continue to work with multiplication and division. It has been so impressive to hear the students actively engage in "math talk". Mathematicians share their strategies, strive to solve problems using multiple pathways, critique and debate their answers and also take the time to be metacognitive and to think about what they learned from the lesson.
We kicked off Chorus on Friday, almost our whole class will be participating in this elective! So glad to see so many taking advantage of this great opportunity! Mrs. Southworth is very excited.
We also sent Homework home on Friday. Please help your child find a place to work that is not distracting, has the tools they will need to be successful and please, please make sure the HW folder and its contents, reading log and reading book and writer's notebook travel between school and home daily. There may be opportunities to work on HW in class and some assignments will be reviewed as they are completed. The class was excited to get their HW and we took the time to make a mini calendar and to plan when we would hope to work on certain assignments. We don't want to save it all for Wednesday night and we want to fit in at least 5 nights of reading. Taking the time to organize ourselves and to plan out our weeks will hopefully leave us feeling happy about HW. IN the next few weeks we will also be adding spelling HW, a typing or fact fluency component and sometimes some special projects. So, talk with your child to develop a routine for HW and organization. Oh yeah! HW is due THURSDAY!
Take Care, Vasanthi
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