April has come and went and we are in the beginnings of May! Only 29 School Days left! Over the past two weeks I have seen a spike in learning and stamina for hard work! Thank you for sending your children to school rested and ready to learn and teaching them how to be respectful, polite and motivated! As we begin Teacher Appreciation Week- I am the one who needs to say THANK YOU to all of you for sharing your children with me on a daily basis! I learn so much from them and work hard to be a positive influence on their lives as learners and as people! I strive to make sure to connect with my students and to push them to go above and beyond their abilities and to feel proud of all they have and can accomplish!
Next week we will conduct NGSS Science Testing from Tuesday thru Thursday! We would love any testing treats you can send our way- mints, gun, clementines or cheese sticks! These treats kept us motivated throughout our SBAC testing! The science test should be shorter and from the practice it seems quite engaging. On the 16th our Chorus will be performing at 7PM and on the 22nd our Band will be performing at 7PM. Hope to see many of you there! And a bag lunch and good walking shoes, hat and sunscreen will be needed on the 18th as we head to the Civil War Re-Enactment!
In math class we have been multiplying whole numbers by fractions and fractions by fractions! We have been using the area model to prove our thinking and to make sense of fractions and multiplication! We have been thinking of 6 X 1/5 as 1/5 of 6. We came to the generalization that whenever you multiply a whole number by a fraction the product will be less than the whole number. We have been thinking of 1/4 X 2/3 as 1/4 of 2/3. We have come to the conjecture that the product will always be less than both fractions being multiplied. We will keep exploring this to see if it is true!
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