We had 3 successful visits to the McCabe's Brook! Each visit had us focusing on one of three characteristics of this water way! Last Friday, we focused on the Physical Assessment, meaning the location, the surrounding land and its uses, signs of human impact, velocity of the water, clarity of the water or turbidity and embeddedness of sediment. On Wednesday we focused on the Chemical Assessment, meaning we found the PH of the water, the temperature, the amount of phosphorus in the water and the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water. Lastly, on Friday we conducted the biological assessment. We actively scooped and used the kick net to catch benthic macroinvertebrates. With all of our data, we are ready to answer the question: Is the McCabe's Brook healthy? A few short videos at the end of this post show students using the data to support their current claim about the water! On Monday we will meet with the Watershed Alliance one more time to analyze our data! This analysis will turn into a piece of informational writing. We also will be able to compare data from both sites on this stream, compare them and see if they support the same claim!
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