Welcome tot he 2017-2018 school year! 5th Grade had a collaborative start to school today! As a 5th Grade we spent time in our own classroom as well as in our new learning commons, at Lunch and Recess and at our Essential Arts Classes. Our class had Art with Mr. Boardman and were amazed to see his new organized and cleaned out space! It looks amazing! We spent the class drawing ourselves as CATS! We are all SCS CATS! It was intriguing to see the different perspectives we all took to draw our cats ( side view, head on, with a body, just the face) These will be displayed in the hall and is a project being done by grades Kindergarten thru 5th Grade!
5th Graders spent the morning participating in many team building activities that reacquainted us with one another! We played Rock, Paper, Scissors and crowned three team champions, Tamiyah, Ella and Isaiah! We worked to respect our new learning commons by "Leaving No Trace." Spaces should be kept as clean as we see them upon arrival each day. Look at how beautiful our new cubbies and hooks are! We practiced Leave No Trace in the cafeteria today, too. Students cleaned up all their trash, checked the floors and listened respectfully to all of Principal Celmer's directions and requests! Outside at recess 180 students listened to Principal Sivo's expectations for the playground and had one of the best recess I have seen in a while. New boundaries were explained, students made wise choices and many adults were there to walk around and engage the students in Safe, Responsible and Respectful play!
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