Dear Families,
Once again thanks for supporting your children the past two weeks as they persevered through 8 days of NECAP testing! They justified their thinking, wrote clearly and believed in one another as they accomplished this giant task! Your healthy snacks were much appreciated and helped me make sure that we had the stamina to work for over 2 hours a day!

Each and every space vocabulary share that has come into the classroom has been amazing! The effort each student has put in is so apparent in the information that they have found out and the visual display of the information! I can't wait for all of you to see these posters when you come in for conferences! During Team Time this week we explored the phases of the moon! We used BrainPop and an article to gain knowledge about the moon phases and that put our knowledge to the test by creating the moon phases with Oreos! We also spent time in the library this week using eBooks to learn about The Night Sky. We read with a purpose by searching for the answers to 3 questions. We took notes using digital sticky notes and now have evidence to answer the questions! These notes will be used to create a constructed response in our Science Journals! Your child can access these eBooks through Destiny Quest on the Library Website!

We finally finished reading WONDER by R.J. Palacio. We celebrated this by having a Book Discussion with Miss Natalie's class! It was so fun to get together with another 5th Grade class! We prepared ourselves well to have thoughtful small group discussions about the story, the characters, the authors and the lessons we learned from reading this book! We also started reading Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper this week. We are participating in the Global Read Aloud by reading this book! Not only will we connect with classes here at SCS, but we will be connecting with other classes in the US and around the world! Stay tuned to hear more about this!

Have an enjoyable weekend! Play outside, get some sunshine and rest! Don't forget to observe the moon!
PS. Here are some photos from Kindergarten Book Buddies last week.
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