Dear Families,
I hope you have all had a great first full week of school! The weather has been phenomenal and the learning has been so engaging and exciting! Our weekly reflections showed me this week that our students valued having time in both classrooms focusing on math, reading and writing, attending an assembly on Bullying Behavior Prevention, starting band instrument lessons, and working on our Photo Wall Project as well as Habits Of Mind posters! Please talk more about these exciting topics with your students!
Today I will be sending home our first Goal Sheet of the year! Students will be returning goal sheets on FRIDAY this year. Homework is starting light with just reading and focused reflection on a chosen habit of mind. Below is a graphic that has been shared with your student in hopes of supporting all of us in simply reading for 20 minutes a day! I know that schedules are busy with extra activities and family time, but reading is a simple and highly beneficial way to stay curious, engaged and excited about learning. We can learn about the history of the world, travel to exotic places, gain empathy through the perspectives of other characters, widen our vocabulary and improve our writing fluency!

Your students have been engaging and reflecting on these 16 Habits of Mind for over a year! This year we want students to be aware of all 16 and make choices in which habits they wish to focus on and practice! Teams researched and presented these habits to the whole team. Posters (that they created) will soon be visible in our classrooms and will engage students in understanding these habits, how to practice them and reflection on how this focused work can support them in being successful in school and life.

Lastly, on a personal note, my mother suffered a heart attack on Monday afternoon. I was out Tuesday to support her in the hospital. She came home Wednesday! At home I have been so impressed by my mother's bravery, persistence and thoughtfulness. She knew the symptoms, got help and is grateful for the care that has put her back on her feet again! Your children were so kind and thoughtful on my return Wednesday. They asked questions, gave me hugs of support and continue to check in on her healing! So with a grateful heart I wish you and your families an awesome weekend!