Today we learned about dyslexia. We watched a video that helped us get a bigger perspective on learning disabilities. The video was about a boy that had dyslexia and he told the struggles and advantages of having dyslexia. After the video we got into groups and wrote what would be hard for us if we had dyslexia. People were thoughtful and really reflected.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Today In math class we worked on fractions. We played a fun game and made fraction equations. Today's math class was fun and people were well behaved.
Friday, January 27, 2017
Field trip friday!
Today we went to the Flynn. We saw Brazilian dancers they were amazing. The show was very different than American dance. It was very beautiful, the costume were so colorful and the lighting and fog made everything so real. After the show we made it back in time for recess, but we ate lunch in the classroom. At the end of the day we worked on kidblog and blogged about our week. Today was a good day and I hope that we have a good day on Monday, too!
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Pizza Fractions
Today we shared our pizzas. We did a museum walk and left thoughtful notes. Then we got into groups to solve each other's story problems. Everyone's pizza was so different and amazing. It was so fun to see all the different designs, you could really tell everybody did there best. This months share was really successful and I thank the whole class for making today one of our better days. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Hunger Free Vermont visits Endeavor!
Hunger Free Vermont joined the Endeavor team for an hour yesterday morning. During this hour our 4th graders engaged in conversation around the term food insecurity. Students thought about hunger and what it looks like and feels like. Students talked about the problems hunger can cause in our world. Lastly, students talked about solutions to hunger! This discussion/visit was held so that students feel more connected to our Empty Bowls Soup Potluck coming up on Monday, February 13th from 630-730PM. Each 4th graders has created a clay bowl during their art class. These bowls will be sold at our Empty Bowls Potluck for $5. All proceeds and donations from this event will be given to Hunger Free Vermont. Our new Food Warriors have ideas on how they will be a part of the solution to hunger in Vermont and I know they feel motivated and connected to Hunger Free Vermont and the work this organization is doing to ensure healthy meals for all Vermonters, everyday!
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Who wants to enter this contest!
Check out the website below. Work in your googledocs and I can help you send in your piece of writing!
Friday, January 20, 2017
Check it out! Look at what we created as a class!
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Today in math class we worked with partners on page 82 and 83. The pages were focused on fractions with money,time, and food. Everyone really mixed it up and chose different partners then they normally work with. They also stayed very focused! Nice job class!
Another thing we started today was the class geography bee. Everyone in our class seems to like it and I think it's fun. How it works is we sit in a circle and Vasanthi asks questions if you get one right you get a point. Most people got their questions right. Way to go class! 
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Project-Based Learning!
Look at these engaged learners and collaborating students! Together they have become a Xperia on a region of the USA! They are working together to research, write a script and produce a video! These videos will be linked to the map below! Creating the ultimate class project! Stay tuned!
Friday, January 6, 2017
Math Test!
Today we had a math fizz. It was a pretty long fizz and people are working so hard. Keep on preserving class!
Today we also played a math game, I lost to Ameila. She's amazing! The game was fun and most of the class was focused. Over all we had a pretty good day!
Today we also played a math game, I lost to Ameila. She's amazing! The game was fun and most of the class was focused. Over all we had a pretty good day!
We are still working in the regions groups. We are all onto the project part and this is us illustrating our maps for our regions. Then after that we will make a video about our region.
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