
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Hike For Hunger, September 24th at Catamount Family Center

Dear Endeavor Families,
This year will mark our 4th year participating in the Hunger Free Vermont Hike for Hunger.  This year's hike is at Catamount Family Center on Saturday, September 24th.  The event runs from 930am-1230pm.  There are 3 ways that you and your family can participate and support Vermonters as we work together to tackle hunger in Vermont!

2014 Hike For Hunger.  My son and I meeting Governor Shumlin
The Hike for Hunger consists of a 1.5 mile or 3 mile loop around the beautiful trails at Catamount Family Center.  The hike ends with a stone hearth pizza party and bluegrass band.

        • Donate non-perishable food items from September 12th through September 23rd.  The Endeavor Team will deliver this collection of donations to the Shelburne Food Shelf on September 23rd!  Please stay tuned to hear about the most needed items at our local food shelf!  

Thanks so much for your support!  Vasanthi and Cara