
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Team Building and Forest Ecology!

Beautiful day to be at Shelburne Farms with our amazing 5th Graders!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Our Speech Language Pathologist, Peter, joined us today to share the story of Superflex, the unthinkables and the thinkables.  These characters depict the thinking that goes on in our brains during social interactions, basically all moments of our day.  These characters help us think about our reactions in certain situations and we can use the thinkables to help us find solutions to our problems. Peter will be joining us weekly for a few weeks to increase our use of these social strategies to help us in our classroom, our school, and our lives!  Ask your child about it!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Puppets in Education Bully Prevention Workshop!

We had an important and thoughtful experience with Puppets in Education today!  Together we talked about bullying and how we as a group can change our school and make it a bully free zone!  Through this worshop we discussed strategies we can use to stop bullying, the importance of being a bystander and even role played strategies for dealing with bullies!  We would like to thank Dan Bokan and Shearer Cheverolet for sponsoring  this visit from Puppets in Education!  Their generosity has made it possible for all K-5 students to attend a show on an important subject!  Thank you!

Snaps from last week!

What did we find in our leaf packs?  Last Thursday, Vasanthi and Mrs. Crowther headed to upper and lower McCabe's brook to fetch our leaf packs!  These leaf packs had been in the brook for almost a month!  Our hope was that the leaves we had placed inside the mesh bags would decompose and provide a rich food source for macro invertebrates.  These macroinvertebrates would in turn tell us about the health and water quality of McCabe's Brook!  We compared our data from our leaf packs to the data we collected in the field.  As a group of scientists we wrote an essay using the evidence from our field experiments!  Look for that essay here tomorrow!
Last Friday we mystery FaceTimed with a class in NJ.  We talked together about our read aloud called Fish in a a Tree.  We eCh had a role in the conversation.  In the end we learned that Vasanthi is very good friends with Mrs. Kalovrouziotis, the teacher in NJ.  They went to high school and college together!  They were even roommates!  

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Week in Review

Dear Families,
      Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me this past week. I truly valued every conversation that I had. Your children are working so hard to be engaged and committed learners! It was incredible to hear them talk about science, their writing and their math strategies. It was important for me to hear where they are motivated to learn and what mini goals they want to achieve! I've enjoyed reading their week in review posts on our kidblog, please click here, read and leave them a comment. You can log in as Guest, PW: Shelburne, to hear about your child's week!  Thanks for  all your support!

Math Night on 10/21

This evening is intended to help all Shelburne Community School parents (PreK-8) understand how and why we teach mathematics in the 21st century. It will include ways to support students with homework, research on how we learn, and critical skills students need to be successful in the world today. The session will begin at 5:30 with a free dinner of soup, salad and grilled cheese for everyone in the cafeteria - followed by John's presentation from 6-7 and followed by questions / answers until 7:30. Free childcare is also available for the entire time, provided for any toilet-trained child by our great IAS afterschool program staff.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Vasanthi's class multiplication strategies!

Use this at home when you are in a stuck point!!

Cyber bullying workshop with Rachel!

Deciding whether a message is hurtful, ok or not a big deal.  Crossing the line to show when the message is hurtful!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Physical, Chemical and Biological Assessment of McCabe's Brook

Grant, Ben and Ava from the watershed Alliance joined us this morning at our site along McCabe's Brook.  Together with them we collected data on the health of the Brook and will be using it to write some claims with evidence.  We will compare data with Mrs.Crowther's class, their site, still on the McCabe, but closer to the Ti Path, Dog Park and water treatment facility!  What will we learn about the brook and about our watershed!

Unified Arts Night

Please join the Art, Music, Physical Ed., and World Language teachers for our Unified Arts Night. It will be on Tuesday, October 20th, from 6:30-7:30 pm. Please meet in the cafeteria at 6:30 pm for a brief introduction. Students are encouraged to attend this event with you, and share some of the great things they are learning in their UA classes.