Check them out! Do you know what is expected at SCS? What do you think of the tools they used to create these projects?
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Everyday Expectations
5th Graders worked in partnerships to create digital presentations about our SCS Everyday Expectations.
Check them out! Do you know what is expected at SCS? What do you think of the tools they used to create these projects?
Check them out! Do you know what is expected at SCS? What do you think of the tools they used to create these projects?
Monday, September 21, 2015
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Open House Tuesday!
Come and visit the classroom and engage in meaningful conversation with your child about his or her learning during our 1st 20 days in 5th Grade!
Tuesday, September 22, 8-9 am!
SLC Speeches
Amazing speeches given on Friday! I was so impressed by the effort that went into each candidate's speech! The creativity was incredible, everyone had ideas on how to change our school for the better! We had a fair vote, every candidate received votes and Robbie and Lily will represent us on the 5th Grade SLC!
Friday, September 18, 2015
Thursday, September 17, 2015
The Leaf Packs are in the water!
Scientists have launched their leaf packs into the upper end of the McCabe's Brook! These leaf packs will sit in the water (hopefully) for 3 weeks or longer! We hope that over time macroinvertebrates will colonize our leaf packs. When we retrieve these packs from the water we will search through them carefully to find biotic (living things) organisms which will help us in determining the overall water quality of the McCabe's Brook! Thank you to Susan, Chloe's mother, for supporting Mrs. Crowther and I through this scientific adventure! Over the next week we will read more about river/stream ecosystems and about the macroinvertebrates who live there!
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Monday, September 14, 2015
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Book talks!
We had two amazing book talks this morning from Dylan and Kate! They both were well prepared and inspired their classmates to read Wonder and The 39 Story TreeHouse!
Chorus sign ups are coming home today! I'm really hoping we can have 100% class participation! Mrs. Southworth has chosen some great songs!
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Abbie and I were twins today! Guidance lesson and more,
Friday, September 4, 2015
Wow! Our first full week!
Dear Families,
It has been an incredible start to the school year. What a treat to get your children back in the classroom and ready to learn! We are totally immersed in our read aloud because of mr.terupt, and are having a love hate relationship with all the characters and hanging on the edges of our seats as every chapter ends with some foreshadowing that makes us want to keep reading! Reading, we have been able to squeeze in 30 minutes of uninterrupted silent reading at home and I hope that we are all reading at least 20-30 minutes nightly (I'll take 5 nights). Our first of monthly, share themes came home today. Each child has a day that they will be "buzzing" about a book that they have read and would like to recommend. The criteria is listed on the form below and there is a planning sheet on the back of the form to help out your child!
It has been an incredible start to the school year. What a treat to get your children back in the classroom and ready to learn! We are totally immersed in our read aloud because of mr.terupt, and are having a love hate relationship with all the characters and hanging on the edges of our seats as every chapter ends with some foreshadowing that makes us want to keep reading! Reading, we have been able to squeeze in 30 minutes of uninterrupted silent reading at home and I hope that we are all reading at least 20-30 minutes nightly (I'll take 5 nights). Our first of monthly, share themes came home today. Each child has a day that they will be "buzzing" about a book that they have read and would like to recommend. The criteria is listed on the form below and there is a planning sheet on the back of the form to help out your child!
We know you’ve all read a great book over the summer, or even more recently! We want to hear about it! Your September Share is to tell us about a book!!
In your share, please be sure to:
- Provide a summary,
- Read an excerpt of the book to us (this could simply be a line or a paragraph).
- Tell us why this book was a great book.
This share can be a verbal share, or you can make a poster to go with it! Please be sure to plan and practice your presentation either way. You should be prepared to share in front of the class on your scheduled “Share Day”. You can use the back of this sheet to draft your summary and outline your ideas. Can’t wait to hear about your book! (Please try not to duplicate books your classmates have already shared.)
Here is the schedule:
Mrs. Crowther’s Class
Vasanthi’s Class
Wednesday, Sept. 9
Talulla & Max
Kate & Dylan
Thursday, Sept. 10
Kat & Maddy
Emma B. and Tess
Friday Sept. 11
Saad and Betsy
Kylee and Robbie
Monday Sept. 14
Anders and Burgess
Chloe and Abbie
Tuesday Sept. 15
Colin & Luke
Logan H. and Jack
Wednesday Sept. 16
Anna M. and Emma M
Eliza and Ben
Thursday Sept. 17
Sasha and Jake
Jameela and Lily M.
Friday, Sept. 18
Riley & Miranda
Nora and Bevan
Monday, Sept. 21
Logan P and Caroline
Harrison and Ian S.
Tuesday Sept. 22
Lily S and Carly
Trey and Faith
Wednesday Sept. 23
Sam and Lexi
Chris & Haley
Our Ecosystems unit has kicked off, we worked as scientists to get our observation and illustrations skills back to work. We developed a checklist for our science notebooks to help us do our best when we are in the field as scientists. This week we will take a walking field trip to the LaPlatte River to study the river ecosystem right here in Shelburne. We will be noticing the members of this community - the plant and animal species. We will use the knowledge we have gained from some reading activities to find all the abiotic and biotic components, look for food chains and food webs and notice where the energy in this ecosystem in coming from and how it moves through the system. We will be building a model of a watershed this coming week!
Homework/Goal Sheet came home today. Please look over it with your child, they also planned out their week and what they will accomplish nightly. It is all due back by Thursday am. Please make sure that they do their reflection at home by Wednesday night. Thank you! Email me with any questions.
We hope everyone has a safe, responsible and respectful weekend. These three words are the backbone to SCS's Everyday Expectations. Ask your child about these new expectations and how they have been implemented across the school in all classroom and all settings, like the cafeteria and the playground! These Everyday Expectations have led us all to a smooth start to ur 2015-2016 school year.
7th Day Learning
Today we played a game called Human Camera. In this game you have a partner. One person closes their eyes while the other partner guides them to an open space in the classroom. then they would whispering of their partners ear, describing in detail a special spot. The partner with their eyes closed, would "Snap" pictures in their head. After the partnerships share what "photos were snapped". We thought this game was fun, you learned about your partners favorite place, people in their lives and activities they like to do!

Today in math class we did paper folding we had a piece of paper that was a square, we folded the paper into fourths (triangles and squares). One of are classmate's says she loved it because we got to fold the paper into fractions. As a challenge we tried to make a square that was half of the original square or make more triangle fourths but the triangle had to be different then the original triangle. We had to use a growth mindset to stay positive while we did difficult paper folding. We played a game called skeptic and convincer during paper folding. The convincer had to convince the skeptic that his/ her fourths were fourths and were triangles. The skeptic has to ask questions to try to make the convincer think harder and make their claim more accurate. The skeptic can not be easily convinced. It was a blast! Best math ever! Written by Chloe and Tess
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