Now, for the rest of the happenings in Endeavor 4th Grade!
Today we learned about UNICEF! We watched these two videos and talked together about how we can help children all over the world!
In math class we are working on multiplication and using arrays and quick sketches to accurately and efficiently solve 2 digit by 1 digit multiplication problems! We also took a Number Corner Check up and persevered in doing some really hard math! We took our math fluency quiz and most of us improved our score by 3 to 4 facts, one of us even got 8 more facts in the minute! Our data shows that studying our facts at school and at night will help us become fluent and will lead them to be part of our long term memory! Way to go Endeavor!
In Writing, we have been working on our realistic fiction stories, making our characters come alive and writing to show what's happening, not just telling!
In Reading we have been buried in Nonfiction about Geology! We have been focused on finding the structure of text and using graphic organizers to record our new learning about the types of rocks, the rock cycle, minerals, rocks and mineral uses and more! We also used BrainPop to listen closely to information about mountains and plate tectonics while filling in graphic organizers to keep track of our notes! Ask your child about Pangea! Lastly, we read 2 short pieces about the Mantis Shrimp and practiced taking notes based on one question "How does the Mantis Shrimp protect itself! We then used our notes to draft a quick and messy paragraph answering the question.
Oh yeah! Here are some pictures form our Mix It Up time with Ms. Elias's class of Kindergarteners!
We hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween! On Monday we welcome Kylee to our class!
Written by Albert Einstein 1 and 2, Marie Curie and Vasanthi